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BD du jour: critiques

The controversy du jour in France right now is about the publication of a book by President François Hollande’s ex-partner, Valérie Trierweiler, about their past relationship. Out of nosiness, everyone and their brother is reading, or waiting to read Merci pour ce moment right now. However, many condemn this display of intimate details about France’s president, and denounce that treating presidents like rockstars ends up devaluing the constitution itself.

The book’s overwhelming popularity even spawned a rebellious movement amongst booksellers, Non merci pour ce moment, a pun using the book’s title along with the expression Non merci (No thanks).


(Sorry, Valérie’s [Trierweiler’]s book is currently in back order. HOWEVER we still have plenty of books by BALZAC, DUMAS, MAUPASSANT, ETC…)

Meanwhile, French critics pooh pooh the piece, deeming it akin to  a “roman à l’eau de rose”, meaning it reads like a bad paperback romance story.

In this book, however, Valerie Trierweiler reveals that President Hollande, (left wing Socialist Party), nicknamed the poor in private, contemptuously calling them “Les sans-dents” (the toothless); an accusation Hollande later dismissed as a lie, but the harm is done.

As a result, France is swept by a sentiment of revolt towards the present government, as cartoonist Martin Vidberg illustrates:

10 9 2014 186_manif


De plus en plus: more and more

comme: as

Quand même: still

Y en a marre!

À la porte: Out!

Dehors!: Out!

Tous des voleurs: Pack of thieves! 

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